Voice Overs & Narration by Diane de Zylva | BluegumStudios™.com | GAMING + APPS
A story about a little dog and his two dads, coming soon to the iTunes store.
Tomato Trouble is the first in a series of interactive story book apps. It’s beautifully illustrated and I was delighted to be selected as the narrator.
Visit site: Geoff & His Two Dads
Produced by Wompi Studios
Here’s a sneak peak.
View new trailer.
Diane is the voice of Treasure Kai.
I recently completed the recording for a new Flashcards for iPad produced by INKids, producers of educational apps for toddlers and pre-schoolers.
“Treasure Kai” has been nominated for a Cybils Award for iPad Books. As the voice of Treasure Kai, I’m particularly delighted.
“Best in Category” Win at New Media Film Festival Goes to “Treasure Kai” App
The author of award-winning app, Treasure Kai & the Lost Gold of Shark Island, featuring my voice over as the character of Kai, has produced an ebook for those wanting a guide on how to turn stories into apps.